Anne Donohoe was in the chair. The speaker on “Living Rent” was unable to attend.
- We discussed the information available on Mailchimp – compile an analysis and contact responders with a view to preparing lists of the various activities that they have indicated they can help with. BG
Thanks to Gerry, we are now GDPR-compliant
A large proportion did not re-subscribe – try a follow-up GM
- We discussed the venue and format of the monthly meetings
- Check the possibility of a return to the Clermiston Inn BG
- It was agreed that we should have a summer break, and restart meetings in September
- We discussed possible topics for future meetings
- A film evening and discussion – Lesley Riddoch’s new film on the Faroes (ask David Henry to advise on how to get a film to the general public) MK
- Stuart McHardy on History
- A social night (Peter Curran is considering another jazz night)
5.1 Peter Curran has had some success with a letter-writing campaign (to local/national newspapers)
5.2 Ann Rayner has attended several “Scotland the Brand” market events, and could use some more volunteers
5.3 Contributions were requested to cover the venue hire of £30.
5.4 Full version of NYR IndyApp has been launched BG
5.5 SNP street stalls at Drum Brae and Corstorphine had a positive reception – we should consider taking a table next year
5.6 There is a rising wave of activism, particularly with the Glasgow and Dumfries rallies, which a number of us attended. Bannockburn, Dundee, Inverness and Edinburgh are being planned.
We should obtain a Yes Edinburgh West banner GM
5.7 Yes Edinburgh and Lothian have a meeting on June 11 to discuss how to publicise campaigning events
You’ll find us on Yes Edinburgh West website, Facebook , National Yes Registry and Twitter. Have a look at our Eflets, book previews and film previews. There is also a Library of useful information on Scottish Politics.