Devolution, Deficit and Resources

Why doesn’t the Scottish Government use the powers it already has to improve the economy, reduce inequality, redistribute wealth and stamp out poverty?

Let’s raise the minimum wage
– Sorry, that’s reserved to Westminster
Could we reduce VAT to cut prices and boost spending?
– Sorry, that’s reserved to Westminster
Could we cut Corporation Tax to make businesses wealthier so they might employ more people and create growth?
– Sorry, that’s reserved to Westminster
Can we at least get them to pay the tax they owe? Tax avoidance costs £ billions.
– Sorry, that’s reserved to Westminster, and they’re cutting HMRC in Scotland
If we reduce fuel duty, it would be good for everyone – businesses and consumers?
– Sorry, that’s reserved to Westminster
What about the new Income Tax powers?
– Sorry, there’s a bit more control over the rate, but we can’t set the personal allowance
Can we make some savings – say, on defence?
– Sorry, that’s reserved to Westminster
Can we bump up alcohol and tobacco tax?
– Sorry, that’s reserved to Westminster
What about oil revenue?
– You’re joking, that’s reserved to Westminster
Can we get more immigrants, since they contribute more than they take out?
– Sorry, immigration is reserved to Westminster
Hinckley Nuclear Power is getting subsidies – can we get UK funding for renewables?
– Sorry, that’s reserved to Westminster –they’re cutting renewables subsidies.












You starting to get the idea how this devolution thing works yet?

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