Minutes from our meeting on 13 June 2016

Clermiston Inn, 7.30pm Mon 13 June 2016

  1. Ian Grant opened the meeting by welcoming everybody, and in particular Yes Inch and Yes Pentlands.
  2. There were 27 attendees
  3. Apologies: Morag Orr, Barry Haniford, Pauline Ward, Peter Lynch, Tony Sutton, Mary Knox
  4. The minutes of 18 January were proposed by Derek Mullin and seconded by Anne Donohue. As agreed, a bank account has been opened, and the Constitution and minutes posted on the website.
  5. Continue reading “Minutes from our meeting on 13 June 2016”

Livestream: The National Yes Registry go public with their vision for a network of Yes groups Dec 2015

With clips from the December 2015 conference in Largs and an interview with Jason Baird, the latest video from the National Yes registry sets out their vision for achieving a working network of grassroots YES groups by 18 September 2016.

We, the undersigned, collectively urge all other likeminded groups and individuals with a belief in the need for a powerful non-party political grass-root voice in the campaigning direction and timing of Scotland’s next strides toward full Independence, to join us in creating this collectively owned, self-organised re-formation and continuation of Yes’s urgent grass-root driven demand for a return to full Scottish Independence.

We’re meeting on Mon 13 June 2016

All Yes Edinburgh West activists are invited to attend a meeting on Monday 13 June 2016 at 7.30pm in the Clermiston Inn. The meeting will cover progress at a local level since our formalising meeting in January 2016 and developments on the national level, particularly with the National Yes Registry. Decisions will be made on what activity and campaigning we should focus on. Our shipment of Wee Black Books will be available.


  1. Mintues from the last meeting
  2. National Yes Registry developments
  3. Progress at the local level
  4. Social media presences for the group
  5. Future activities and campaigns
  6. Any other business