Peaceful independence
There is a common assumption that independence fromthe UK is difficult to achieve, and armed revolt is often necessary. In fact, this is a myth – since 1948, 48 countries have been granted Independence by the UK – all except 2 (Kenya and Yemen) peacefully. Since 1776, 89% of countries gained their independence peacefully.

Livestream: Public Finances in an independent Scotland
IndyLive: AUOB Galashiels rally 1 June 2019
2019 All Under One Banner rally Galashiels
IndyLive: Angus Robertson – Towards Independence 31 May 2019
Tue 4 June 19:30: Public finances in an independent Scotland
A reminder that Craig Dalzell, head of Head of Policy and Research at Common Weal, will speak on “Public Finances in an independent Scotland”, and answer your questions.
In the function room of the Clermiston Inn EH4 7EG.
All welcome!
Livestream: Brexit, Independence and a Scottish Stock Exchange 14 May 2019
Watch this event LIVE or afterwards on the livestream produced by Independence Live.
Tuesday, 14 May 2019 from 19:30-21:30 |
Michelle Thomson, director of Momentous Change, will speak on “Brexit, Independence and a Scottish Stock Exchange”, and answer your questions. All welcome! In the function room of the Clermiston Inn, EH4 7EG. If you want to do your homework on the new Stock Exchange, have a look at